Meet Our Staff


We use the principles in the 12-step program of recovery through individual and group therapy, healthy extracurricular activities, medical supervision and community partnerships. Our objective is to help those suffering with addictive behaviours to find peace and serenity by walking through their fears instead of hiding behind them.

At Reach Out Ministries, we have selected staff members based on their high experience, qualifications and ability to be compassionate towards each and every man and woman who walks into our residential service for recovery.

Meeting individual needs is the goal. Evidence shows that the longer a person is in a structured recovery program, the greater chances they have of staying addiction free.  Starting with the referral process, planning to completion and the transition into aftercare is important.  Financial management to ensure that your treatment plan reflects personal choice and meets individual needs and requirements also plays a big role in your recovery. 

Each resident is at the centre of their own recovery and with support from staff and peers they will be guided to plan, review and where appropriate, revise their goals and aspirations as they journey through treatment. A Project Coordinator is allocated the role of supporting each resident to co-ordinate their treatment programme. Prior to completion of treatment each resident will have in place an agreed comprehensive personalised recovery plan. This plan builds on the work already undertaken in treatment as well as incorporating opportunities to access housing, finances, employment, volunteering and educational advice and guidance from a range of community based agencies.

Staff and residents work together to acknowledge and positively address any difficulties that arise from a lack of understanding or intolerance towards other people. Anyone who doesn’t work to ensure the community is safe for everyone will be asked to account for their behaviour to the rest of the community. Potentially, a resident may be asked to leave if their behaviour is serious enough or persistent enough to warrant this.

Rehab Centre: 14 - 16 Whitby Street,  Hartlepool,  TS24 7AD                 Church Building: King Oswy Drive, Hartlepool, TS24 9LY

Registered Charity in the UK.  Charity Number: 1171638